Install Jetpack Without SDK Manager

In this tutorial, we will learn how to install Jetpack without SDK Manager. This might be useful for developers looking for options to work around using SDK manager. This could be triggered by either problems running the tool in their computers or looking for options to streamline and automate the NVIDIA Jetpack development process. Step […]
Shopify vs WordPress ¿Qué le conviene más a mi e-commerce?

Shopify vs Wordpress ¿Qué le conviene más a mi emprendimiento e-commerce? En estepost explicaremos las grandes ventajas de iniciar un emprendimiento en línea usando estas dos plataformas de comercio electrónico. Empezar un negocio desde cero se podría tornar complicado y escoger la plataforma adecuada es un paso muy importante. Trataremos de guiarte de la mejor […]
NVIDIA Jetpack Versions

NVIDIA has released multiple NVIDIA Jetpack versions during the years. Evolving into one of the most well known and widely used operating systems in the embedded sector. Developers from all over the world use the NVIDIA Jetson platform to build incredible projects across different industries. Given its popularity and importance for the tech industry, NVIDIA keeps […]
Jetson Remote Desktop Headless Setup Tutorial

In this tutorial, NoMachine will be used to connect to the NVIDIA Jetson board as a remote desktop with no monitor attached to the NVIDIA Jetson system. Step 1. Install NoMachine on the host PC Go to NoMachine official website, download and install the appropriate version for the host PC. In this case, a Ubuntu […]
Compiling and Installing OpenCV with CUDA support from scratch

Many times, I find myself trying to install OpenCV with CUDA support and in every post, I find a different answer, so I figured why not try to add one from scratch for the people that like to see what might be going wrong under the hood instead of using precompiled packages. Here are the […]
Revisiting SSD 300 with PyTorch

I was thinking it was a good time to revisit the Single Shot Detection (SSD 300) implementation on PyTorch for object detection for good old times, trying not to use a pre trained network (a pre-trained VGG was valid), just to see how it performed. While doing this I stumbled upon a perfectly written repository […]